Start Date: 27/04/2024      End Date: 29/06/2024        Start Time: 13:15      End Time: 14:15        Hours per Week: 1.00      No of Weeks: 9
Fees:      £39.00 (tuition)     £86.00 (overseas)     £12.00 (concessionary)
Tutor: George Fiawoo        No of Places: 15

Course Overview

Course Overview
On this course you will learn basic African dance skills and techniques as well as specific African dances. You will also learn about the history and the relationship of music to dance in the African society.

You will learn the technical vocabulary used in this dance style. You will also develop musicality and spatial awareness by following different step patterns, dance sequences and group formations set to music with different time signatures and speed.

References to the historical development of the style and its connection with other dance genres from different parts of the world will be shared with you to support your understanding of the style and technique.


Objective 1
Objective 1
Learn and understand appropriate African dancing skills and techniques.
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 2
Learn 3 of the main dances with related drum music and songs.
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Objective 3
Objective 3
Demonstrate understanding of the various disciplines and some of technical areas in African dancing, i.e. time-keeping, co-ordination, drum-linguistics etc.
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Objective 4
Objective 4
Understand the historical background of music and dances and. the roles they play in the African societies.
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Objective 5
Objective 5
Prepare for a performance in the End of Term show.
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Objective 6
Objective 6
Objective 7
Objective 7
Objective 8
Objective 8
Objective 9
Objective 9
Objective 10
Objective 10

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements
None, but people with previous experience are very welcome.
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Equipment Required

Equipment Required
Loose comfortable clothing (e.g. T-shirt and tracksuit / stretch trousers).
Please note trainers cannot be used in the dance studio.
A notebook and a pen. A bottle of water – no other drinks are allowed in the dance studio.
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What courses can I go on to?

What courses can I go on to?
African Dance Improvers. You can progress to other dance styles beginners’ courses. Your tutor can be approached for additional information and advice during the course.
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What examination is there?

What examination is there?
At the beginning of the course an initial assessment takes place to identify your level of experience knowledge or current skills.

The tutor will carry out informal assessments to check your understanding, there is no exam.

You will complete a self-assessment at the beginning, middle and end of the course and you will participate in regular self assessment.

Your tutor will let you know how you are getting on throughout the course, to help you work to your full potential.

At the end of the course you will receive written feedback.
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How will I know I am making progress?

How will I know I am making progress?
You will have an ‘Individual Learning Plan’ where the course learning outcomes are shown and where you can set individual learning goals and monitor your own progress against these.

You will need to evaluate your own progress and manage your time.

Your tutor will give ongoing feedback and will keep you informed of your progress.
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Other Info

Other Info
To maximise your chances of benefiting from the course fully we expect you to attend all scheduled sessions and that you do so punctually and are ready to start learning at the start of the class.
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Extra Support

Extra Support
If you have declared a learning difficulty, disability or support need whilst enrolling and you require support/assistance in class or to complete your course, please discuss your needs with your tutor at the first lesson.

If you intend to take an examination and feel you have an additional learning need or special requirements, you must declare them to your tutor within the first 2 weeks of your course.

If you are studying in an online group, then you can arrange a one-to-one online discussion with your tutor, after the session, or by email.

Where we aim to make reasonable adjustments to support our learners, please note we are unable to provide any type of in class or in person support if your course takes place online.
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