
Course Overview

Course Overview
This course has been designed for users who are new to Microsoft Excel. This Excel course covers all the basics of creating spreadsheets, entering your data, formulas, formatting and building organised workbooks in Excel. This course is suitable for beginners and those at an intermediate level.


Objective 1
Objective 1
Create basic worksheets using Microsoft Excel
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 2
Enter text and numeric data with accuracy
Prosp User 3
Objective 3
Objective 3
Perform a variety of functions on your spreadsheet data, including sum, average, sort and count
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Objective 4
Objective 4
Use spreadsheet data to create graphs and charts with visual impact
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Objective 5
Objective 5
Present and analyse data with conditional formatting, charting, and printing parameters
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Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements
A basic understanding of the Windows desktop environment. Delegates should be familiar with using a personal computer and should have experience using a keyboard and mouse.

Experience using email software to receive and download attachments, and to send attachments
Prosp User 8

Equipment Required

Equipment Required
For this course, you will need pens, pencils, A4 or A5 notepad. You will need to log in online using Google classroom for your homework. Your teacher will support you with this.
Prosp User 9

What courses can I go on to?

What courses can I go on to?
Once this course has been completed, you can progress onto an accredited Essential digital skills course next term.

We have other ESOL, English and Maths classes available throughout the year
Prosp User 10

What examination is there?

What examination is there?
Your tutor will inform you of your progress and you will complete regular progress reviews with your tutor.
You will also be assessed in class by one to one, summative and formative assessments and tutorials.
There is an no exam at the end of the course.
Prosp User 11

How will I know I am making progress?

How will I know I am making progress?
As well as having multiple opportunities for self-assessment, you will be assessed throughout the course on your progress. You will discuss your progress with the tutor at regular intervals, which will help you get ready in terms of your maths skills and confidence. We will then decide on your next steps.
Prosp User 12

Other Info

Other Info
Please remember if you miss 3 online classes in a row or your attendance is below 80%, you may lose your place on the course
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Extra Support

Extra Support
If you have declared a learning difficulty, disability or support need whilst enrolling and you require support/assistance in class or to complete your course, please discuss your needs with your tutor at the first lesson.

If you intend to take an examination and feel you have an additional learning need or special requirements, you must declare them to your tutor within the first 2 weeks of your course.

Where we aim to make reasonable adjustments to support our learners, please note we are unable to provide any type of in class or in person support if your course takes place online.
Prosp User 14
Jagdeep Chatha
2.00 hrs per wk
5 weeks
£0.00 (tuition)
Tuition Fee
£0.00 (concessionary)
Conc Fee
£0.00 (overseas)
Overseas Fee